Thursday, February 5, 2015

MEMM: Days 3 & 4

Day 03: A location you love
Well, I waffled for a long time between Rivendell, the Shire, and Rohan, but finally picked Rivendell.  It's gorgeous, it's a center for learning, and lots of interesting people visit it.

Day 04: Favorite sword
My favorite "sword" is a tie between Sting and Legolas's knives--but as neither of them are actually technically swords, I'm going with Andúril.  The scene where Elrond bestows it on Aragorn gives me chills every time.


Olivia said...

Rivendell forever <3

I had a really hard time choosing between Sting and Anduril, myself...

Miss Jane Bennet said...

Yes indeedy!! :D Rivendell is the *best*.
Haha, yeah...I'd choose Sting if I had to, though. Anduril doesn't glow blue, and you can't kill spiders with it either. :P

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Rivendell!!!! Best place ever.

Anduril is very cool, and absolutely beautiful.