Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hello, my lovely lovely patient readers. :)
Sooooo I have at least three posts half-finished at the moment that were SUPPOSED to be done by now, but unfortunately I can't publish them for a week because we're leaving on vacation in about an hour.  Therefore, my hiatus is extended (again), and I'm super sorry.  I WILL get at least one post finished and published before May ends if at all humanly possible.
Please don't unfollow me?  As a little bit of a peace offering, here, have a preview of my post subject(s) when I get back. :)

...And a bit of this ship. ;)
These beautiful people...


Naomi Pitts said...

Of course I won't unfollow you! :-D

But DO post soon. :-P

~ Naomi

Jack said...

AVENGERS! And them 8-D Those two....

Olivia said...

No worries! I'm sure we all understand:) Have a great vacation!

And I love the picture to the far left in your header;) (Not that I don't love the others, too, but you get what I mean.)

miss elliot said...

I GUESSED WHAT IT IS. :-) And I even found out which pair of eyes are the Hiddleston ones. :-)
I'm guessing...the newest Avengers movie? I heard lots of *ahem* different things about it, so I can't wait to hear your opinion.
AND I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE BACK I'VE MISSED YOU. :-) Have a good vacation!!!

Ivy Miranda said...

Oh hey, it's you again : ) Welcome back!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Okay, those blue blue blue eyes, third from the top... I get lost in those. Regularly. Back when the first Avengers was in theaters and we were going to see it constantly, DKoren and I noticed that they all had the most beautiful eyes (Loki included).